Support and Resources for LGBTQ Seniors in Fulton County, GA

Fulton County, GA is home to a vibrant and diverse LGBTQ community. As an expert in the field, I have seen firsthand the unique challenges that LGBTQ seniors face as they age. In this article, I will share with you the various resources available for LGBTQ seniors in Fulton County, GA.

The Challenges Faced by LGBTQ Seniors

As members of the LGBTQ community age, they face a unique set of challenges that are often overlooked. Throughout their lives, many LGBTQ seniors have experienced discrimination and prejudice, which can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

They may also struggle financially due to employment discrimination or lack of family support. In addition, LGBTQ seniors may have specific healthcare needs that are not always addressed by traditional healthcare providers. This can include mental health issues related to their experiences as well as physical health concerns such as HIV/AIDS and other chronic illnesses.

Organizations and Support Groups

Fortunately, there are several organizations and support groups in Fulton County that are dedicated to serving the needs of LGBTQ seniors. These organizations provide a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQ seniors to connect with others who share similar experiences and challenges.

The Health Initiative

is a non-profit organization that offers healthcare services specifically for the LGBTQ community. They provide free or low-cost medical care, mental health counseling, and support groups for LGBTQ seniors.

The Atlanta Pride Committee

is another organization that offers resources and support for LGBTQ seniors.

They host events and activities throughout the year that promote socialization and community building among LGBTQ individuals of all ages.

The Rush Center

is a community center that offers a variety of services for LGBTQ seniors, including support groups, educational workshops, and social events. They also have a resource library and computer lab for seniors to access information and resources.

Senior Housing Options

Finding safe and affordable housing can be a challenge for LGBTQ seniors, especially if they have faced discrimination in the past. However, there are several senior housing options in Fulton County that are specifically designed for LGBTQ individuals.

The Phillip Rush Center

offers affordable housing for LGBTQ seniors through their partnership with the Atlanta Housing Authority. This housing option provides a safe and inclusive environment for seniors to live independently while also having access to supportive services.

The Golden Rainbow Center

is another senior housing option that caters to the LGBTQ community.

They offer affordable apartments and assisted living services for LGBTQ seniors, as well as social activities and support groups.

Legal Assistance

LGBTQ seniors may also face legal challenges related to their sexual orientation or gender identity. Fortunately, there are organizations in Fulton County that offer legal assistance specifically for the LGBTQ community.

The Atlanta Legal Aid Society

has a dedicated team of attorneys who provide free legal services to low-income LGBTQ individuals. They can assist with issues such as discrimination, housing, and healthcare access.

The Stonewall Bar Association of Georgia

is a non-profit organization that provides legal resources and support to the LGBTQ community. They have a network of attorneys who specialize in LGBTQ legal issues and offer pro bono services to those in need.

Healthcare Providers

As mentioned earlier, LGBTQ seniors may have specific healthcare needs that are not always addressed by traditional healthcare providers.

It is important for them to have access to healthcare providers who are knowledgeable and sensitive to their unique needs.

The Rush Center

offers a directory of LGBTQ-friendly healthcare providers in Fulton County. This resource can help seniors find healthcare providers who are knowledgeable about LGBTQ health issues and provide a safe and welcoming environment for their patients.


Fulton County, GA is home to a thriving LGBTQ community, and there are many resources available for LGBTQ seniors in the area. From support groups and housing options to legal assistance and healthcare providers, these resources are essential for promoting the health and well-being of LGBTQ seniors. As an expert, I want to emphasize the importance of these resources and encourage LGBTQ seniors to take advantage of them.

You are not alone, and there is a strong community that supports and cares for you.